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Pukka Films & DP World

How do you deal with problems in life, and does that differ than at work?

This film for DP World had the challenge of highlighting the softer skills around safety issues such as speaking out when you see something and not letting bad habits continue unchecked. 

Filmed across three days on location at DP World London Gateway, the key to this film was in the casting and in the authenticity of the main cast’s performances; as this is an internal training film, it will be viewed exclusively by the workers themselves, so any inauthentic action will be scrutinised heavily.


Fortunately, we were able to work with a great cast to bring this world to life and gave them all a crash course into life working on a dock. 

Filming on a working site the size of a port can pose its own challenges, Health and Safety risk assessments, communication and exact planning, were the key to being able to film without incident or disruption to the multi-million-pound operation.


Working with London Gateway we were able to deliver a training package that is used by DP World across its sites around the world. 

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